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Powerful payroll software, set up how you like it

Hosted on your system or via a secure cloud option, our powerful payroll software – Rockfast Revelation – is flexible and intuitive and brings simplicity back to your company’s pay day.

With fully compliant Single Touch reporting integrated into the software, why wait? Give us a call and let’s chat!

Powerful payroll software, set up how you like it
Employee self-service

Employee self-service 

Want an ESS/MSS solution that integrates seamlessly with Rockfast Revelation? The PayOffice (TPO) is an option many companies choose, thanks to its user-friendly browser-based portal. Your staff can update their bank details, enter timesheets, apply for leave or claim expenses. Say goodbye to data entry and paper-based forms – and hello to a centralised place of payment and information for all your employees. 

Your payroll, your rules

Every company has unique needs when it comes to payroll – and we’re on hand to help you tailor Rockfast Revelation, and make sense of Australia’s often complex 7000 pay and award conditions! Our powerful payroll software has user-created formulas which help with implementing salary increases, salary-sacrifice deductions, after-tax deductions, redundancy payments, overtime and more. Not sure where to start? Talk to us about training or a demo, so we can get you up and running.

Easy employee self-service set up
Payroll and Human Resources Information System (HRIS)

Human Resources Information System (HRIS)

Want to keep tabs on key employee data such as medical history, details of recruitment, skills or qualifications required for a role, or disciplinary warnings? Our HRIS software integrates seamlessly with Rockfast’s payroll software, enabling additional, up-to-date employee information to be recorded and reported on.

Super contributions

Rockfast’s accurate super calculations and Superannuation Gateway gives you the tools you need to be SuperStream compliant. You can also improve your cash flow by holding onto super contributions until the statutory payment date – and pay super funds directly so you can be sure they’re paid on time. Plus, you can add unlimited superannuation funds to the database.

Integrated Single Touch reporting

More functions and modules to make your life easier


  • Multi-national tax calculations, including
    Australia, New Zealand, PNG, Fiji, Philippines, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Solomon Islands, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and more.
  • Fully Single Touch compliant
  • Scalable, multi-company and multi-user
  • Date and formula driven
  • Self-balancing General Ledger interface
  • Global search and replace functions
  • Leave calendar for staff shortages
  • Automatic verification of TFNs, BSBs etc
  • Handy, Intuitive Termination Wizard


  • Data-driven positions and careers
  • Exportable job ads
  • Trackable applicants and interviews
  • Automatic flow-on employee records
  • Re-usable


  • Create your own training courses
  • Push training courses to the web
  • Receive employee training requests
  • Have visibility over full training history
  • Extra point
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Thanks for your interest in booking a product demonstration!

Choose the payroll product you’re interested in, and we’ll arrange a time to meet you online and take you through the features and how it might work for your business. In just 30 minutes, you’ll see the product in action, and have a chance to ask any questions you may have.

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