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Let your employees do the heavy lifting with The PayOffice (TPO) employee self-service

The PayOffice (TPO) is our manager and employee self-service system; a browser-based platform that’s easy for all your staff and managers to access.

The PayOffice (TPO) is our manager and employee self-service system

Seamless integration with Rockfast Revelation

Use The PayOffice (TPO) in conjunction with our signature payroll software, Rockfast Revelation – the two are designed to work together.

Rockfast Payroll and employee self-service training

How does TPO work?

If you integrate The PayOffice (TPO) with Rockfast Revelation, it uses a simple, on-demand synchronisation service that accepts information from TPO, and transmits information back. You can choose to perform these synchronisations daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly – whatever makes sense for your business. The PayOffice enables you to have one source of payment for all staff, eliminates paper-based forms and helps keep employee records up to date.

Easy employee self-service set up

Want to make sure the right people in your organisation have authority to approve pays for employees? It’s simple to set up in The PayOffice (TPO) via customisable authorisation paths. TPO, which offers a range of HR facilities including manager and self-appraisal, also ensures compliance with internal control processes. This means you don’t need to worry about accuracy when reviewing the payroll – once pays are approved by the employee’s manager, it’ll flow directly to payroll.

Easy employee self-service set up
Th PayOffice login

Your employees log in...

… without HR or payroll needing to be involved! Staff may be full-time, part-time, casual or ad-hoc workers, and if they’re paid through Rockfast Revelation they can access The PayOffice (TPO) via a desktop computer, tablet or mobile phone. Once logged in, employees can through the employee self-service amend personal details, bank details, submit time sheets and claim expenses. They’ll have visibility over their leave (actual and projected) and be able to apply for leave, too. It’s a system where your employees do the data entry, not you!

TPO and cloud hosting

Want to run your payroll on our secure Azure cloud servers? We offer cost-effective cloud hosting services for Rockfast Revelation and The PayOffice (TPO). We can also host TPO for you without hosting your Rockfast payroll, but you will need to be running your payroll software in-house, with a stable internet connection. Hardware maintenance, software upgrades and disaster recovery is all handed by us, ensuring smooth payroll processing.

Cloud hosted and outsourced payroll and employee self-service
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Choose the payroll product you’re interested in, and we’ll arrange a time to meet you online and take you through the features and how it might work for your business. In just 30 minutes, you’ll see the product in action, and have a chance to ask any questions you may have.

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